return "Changes the pointer image to one of the pointers included with Director, or to a 1-bit bitmapped castmember. Attach the behavior to a sprite or place it in the script channel." & RETURN & "PARAMETERS:" & RETURN & "ò Change on BeginSprite - Turn this option on to change the pointer in the frame where the sprite begins." & RETURN & "ò Change on EndSprite - Turn this option on to restore the pointer in the frame after the sprite ends." & RETURN & "ò Pointer - Choose one of Director's included pointers." & RETURN & "ò Use Custom - Turn this option on to use a cast member for a pointer instead of one of Director's included pointers." & RETURN & "ò Custom Image - ( optional ) Choose which cast member to use as a pointer image. This setting is ignored if Use Custom isn't on." & RETURN & "ò Custom Mask - ( optional ) Choose a cast member to use as a mask image." & RETURN & "ò Restored Pointer - Choose one of Director's included pointers to be displayed when the sprite ends." & RETURN & "ò Restore Custom - Turn this option on to display a cast member when the sprite ends." & RETURN & "ò Restored Custom Image - ( optional ) Choose a cast member to display as the pointer image when the sprite ends." & RETURN & "ò Restored Custom Mask - ( optional ) Choose a cast member to use as a mask image when the sprite ends. " & RETURN & "MESSAGES:" & RETURN & "ò ChangeCursor - Changes the pointer to the specified image." & RETURN & "ò RestoreCursor - Restores the original pointer image."